Wednesday, March 24, 2010

new words i learnt

flu - an acute and highly contagious viral fever causing high body temperature
trig - neat and smart in appearance
dirge - a song or hymn of mourning performed as a memorial to dead person
ridge - a long narrow elevation, a long narrow range of hills, a long elevation on ocean floor
limbo - a state of being disregarded
limo - large luxurious car usually driven by a chauffeur
gore - wound by piercing with a sharp or penetrating object
coagulate - change from liquid to a thickened or solid state
gorge - eat immodestly or overeat, a narrow pass
brat - a very troublesome child
abet - assist or encourage usually in some wrong doing
stow - fill by packing tightly
fete - have a celebration, bestow honors or rewards upon
tiara - a jeweled headdress worn by woman on formal occasion
teal - of bluish shade of green
venal - capable of being corrupted
motile - capable of movement, one whose prevailing mental imagery takes the form of inner feelings of actions

1 comment:

  1. hey dint u learn sum aussie slang..?why dn't u add those?
