Saturday, April 10, 2010


It is just so boring sometimes to stay at a place where you have no one to speak to. That is what I am experiencing from past 2 months. Its extremely boring to stay at accommodation and if at all I want to go out I have to go out all alone. It feels as if I am alone in this world in a luxurious place to live. Only sounds I listen here are the bangs of doors if the so called my neighbours (whom i have never seen face of) are going out or coming in. I stay on 22nd floor here so I dont even listen to traffic sounds. Luckily I enjoy a beautiful view from my balcony. But it is so cold in balcony that I cant stay out more than a minute or two.

Morning after Rajesh leaves to office i experience an extreme monotonous life of going out a bit, if in a good mood or just staying at home and simply reading some articles on net and chatting with my friends who come almost the time Rajesh returns.

But all thanks to my hubby that as soon as he comes back home he takes good care of me. He talks all interesting things. He comes back and my life is full of light again. Both of us spend good time chatting, trying new recipes and reviewing them and sometimes on arguing on various topics. Weekend is something I am deeply in love with as he stays with me all day. But as soon as monday comes its again the same old boring day for me.

As its a temporary trip and we are staying at a placde where everyone is on temporary reasons there is hardly any way to make friends and whom do we trust as friends at Australia after listening so much about racism problems Indians are facing here. It is really sometimes very bugging to stay alone.

These days I am not feeling well. Sometimes I am feeling very restless and extremely frustated. I have a severe weakness in body which is troubling me a lot. This is urging my instincts to go back to my world of my parents and inlaws as soon as possible. Again thanks to my husband who is taking care of me so well in such situations. He really is very sweet, matured and very well understands the need of a person at the moment. Although i am far from all, I am very lucky to have Rajesh in my life as he doesnt make me miss anyone when he is around.

One thing I very well understood in my trip here is when we dont have friends or relatives and loved ones where we are staying its very tough to stay. Atleast for those like me who are used to speaking with everyone so closely its hard to stay alone.

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