Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yes...finally we are coming back to India on May 2nd. Well its just 13 days left from today. Wow its much close and time will definitely run soon. I am desperately waiting to start with my packing and I am sure I will start it soon although there is not much to pack.

But the imagination of returning back to India to our loved ones is just too good. I am not feeling much lonely now. I feel like killing the time as much as possible so that I can pass these 13 days left and leave to India. Me and Rajesh now are feeling a bit sad to leave Melbourne.

The evening which we spent at Yarra river were the best times. We are sure to miss our Victoria market which we went almost every week. We will miss all the hot jam donuts, chocolate donuts, muffins. We really have to thank free tram which we have travelled on so many times and I think we utilised it optimum.

We will definitely miss the view from our balcony. The most beautiful view we can have in our lives I guess. Few days after coming here we made put two chairs in balcony and made it a point we enjoy sometime there happily enjoying the magnificent view with a cup of tea.

Nevertheless we are still very happy we are returning to India. We will be meeting our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, relatives, neighbours, kids - everyone. Just everyone. I think both of us enjoyed stay at Melbourne for sure and also now we are enjoying our way back to India. I am very happy.

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