Thursday, May 6, 2010


I think this is one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I think I can proudly say about this incident throughout my life.

We stayed very close to Crown Casino at Melbourne. It is one of the biggest casinos in the world on the bank of Yarra River. From our building the view of the casino is magnificent. Me and Rajesh went to casino quite often but always went for window shopping but not into the casino.

One day we went to casino, they asked for my passport. I had a photocopy with me but not the original one and so was not allowed. We returned wondering why they asked only me about passport and why not Rajesh.

Just before we leave the Melbourne we again went to Crown Casino with original passports and I was asked at security again for my identity. But before checking the passport they asked of what age am I and I was shocked. I said I am 22 years old and they confirmed it by seeing the passport and let me in.

So this means to say that the security felt that I am below 18 years and a minor. Wow! I am just so happy I look so young that it confused the people there about my age. I am so happy about it. Now I am telling this incident to everyone and teasing my hubby on child marriage.

Sometimes some incidents make us smile so much, isn't it?

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