Monday, July 5, 2010


I think this is how I can define my situation; "totally busy". Hmm.....when at Australia I really didn't understand how to pass on my time and now I don't find any time to pass. I feel the time is running. Recently there was a small ceremony at our home so I was very busy along with my MIL cleaning the home. Now the ceremony is over a week back and I again busy cleaning home now.

The good news of this period is dad joined into a job at L & T IDPL. The bad news is he have to leave his business. One side I am happy that now he can rest a bit (although rest is word which is not there in dad's dictionary) and on the otherside I am sad that he have to leave something which he has worked so hard for. Well but still we are happy that dad has joined into a good job and also into such responsiblities which I feel he would enjoy a lot.

Rajesh is working very hard these days to improve his knowledge technically and also he is working on his linguistic skills. Kishore is also fine and is too busy with his job.

There are so many events and ceremonies lined up that we are everyday making travel plans, shopping plans and plans about which dress to wear when. Things are going on good. But I am feeling bad sometimes that I am able to spend much time for myself. I think I should start with some serious things which will help me develop.

One way I am developing is that my cooking has improved a lot. Also these days I am learning a lot from my father-in-law. I am listening to him for some knowledge sharing. But I think that is still not enough I really have to start spening time for myself. I feel now that I realised this I will work hard to develop my self individually.

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