Thursday, March 11, 2010


How blessed are we!
But still we don't realise that. We dont realise that god plans so many things for us. We don't realise he is the one who know what is the best for us.

He has given us power to think. He has given intelligence to invent, discover and create various things which makes our life happy and lovable. He is the one who writes our destiny. Everything would be very happy if we go according to our destiny.The problems starts when we go against what god has given us.

When we are in problems we don't accept the problems think and cry about the problems. We cry "Oh God what did you do to me". That day we feel that despite of our efforts to be happy god is not giving us happiness. When we are happy we forget to say "Thank God" and start feeling that its because of our efforts that we are happy.

But according to me the fact is it is in hands of both God and us to make our life beautiful. Life is beautiful when we have both problems and happiness.Like the classic saying goes "the beauty of rose cannot be seen if there are no thorns to it". The meaning of real happiness is seen only when there are problems.

All we can do in our life is to work hard and put in our best efforts. We should always the results to God. I am sure he will give us what we deserve.

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